Warsaw Nanny Jobs, Babysitting. Qualified nannies in Warsaw. Babysitters Warsaw. Warsaw nannies. 

Warszawa niania, Opiekunki do dzieci Warszawa, wykwalifikowana niania Warszawa.


Właścicielem strony jest firma: Marta Busz z siedzibą w Lasek Brzozowy 3/12, NIP: 6991949434 REGON: 367878072.

E-mail adress:
I consent to the disclosure by Marta Busz, running a business under the name Marta Busz, of the address: ul. Lasek Brzozowy 3 lok. 12, 02-792 Warszawa, NIP 6991949434, REGON 367878072, of the personal data provided by me contained in the CV and other documents related to recruitment, to the individuals for whom the recruitment is being conducted. 
I agree to the processing by Marta Busz, conducting business under the name Marta Busz, address: ul. Lasek Brzozowy 3 lok. 12, 02-792 Warszawa, NIP 6991949434, REGON 367878072, of the personal data provided by me included in the CV and other documents related to recruitment: - For the purposes of conducting the ongoing recruitment in which I am participating, including the disclosure of my personal data to entities for whom the recruitment is being conducted.
- For the purposes of conducting future recruitments, including the disclosure of my personal data to entities for whom these recruitments will be conducted.
I declare that the data controller has fulfilled the information obligation towards me as required by the law.
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